Thursday, July 19, 2012

Episode 83 Rainbow Warriors with Vegan Cupcakes fly to the Moon

Episode 83 Rainbow Warriors with Vegan Cupcakes fly to the Moon

This episode, Battery Cage protests, The SPCA loves Non Vegan cupcakes, and the June Invercargill Vegan Society potluck, with special guests Susan and Logan Elias from Auckland, who joined us while traveling the South Island.

Finally, a racist, sexist Invercargill man on a rampage, no, its not me, and the anniversary of Greenpeace anti nuclear protest boat The Rainbow Warrior being violently sunk, Non Nuclear New Zealand, Prime Minister David Lange stands up to the Nuclear superpowers, my uncle Michaels bilingual English and Maori childrens story about a man-eating-bird and Pungawerewere the spider "A Good Use For Cobwebs", donating Vegan Is Love, Thats Why We Don't Eat Animals childrens books to our local library, Invercargill Vegan Society posters up around Invercargill city, how Veganism , non violence and peace work together, like a mother Hen sheltering her chicks, a proud father Rooster watching over them all, US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy has a dream, while Apollo 11 lands on the moon, July 20th, 1969.

Full shownotes